A solar panel partially covered with snow. Photo credit: Mari Benedikte Øgaard

Master student presentations - webinar 25/03

In this webinar, you will learn more about our master students, who will present their projects and their findings in their thesis work so far. You will also hear more about Work Package 7 – Education and Training.


12:15    Introduction to WP7 - Turid Reenaas (NTNU, WP manager)/ Kristin Bergum (IFE, Deputy Director)

12:30    Modelling of temperature for photovoltaics in Nordic conditions, Tone Finstad, NTNU

12:40    Managing Overvoltages in the Distribution Grid Caused by Solar Power Generation, Jone Odden, NMBU

12:50    Connection on terms as a facilitator for co-localization of power production and consumption, Ine Erlandsen Grimsrud, NMBU

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Master student presentations